3 Signs Your Moisture Regimen is Working

There are many things that can affect the health of your natural hair such as stress and lifestyle changes. But a good hair moisture regimen can help to keep your curls healthy. Here are 3 ways you can determine if your current moisture regimen is a keeper.
1. Those Strands Snap Back when Combed/Brushed
Your shrinkage can help you determine if your current moisturizing routine is keeping your hair healthy. We’ve all seen the many shrinkage videos and contrary to some beliefs that extreme shrinkage is undesirable, shrinkage is actually a sign that your hair is healthy. If your natural hair shows a readiness to return to its natural state when tension from a comb or brush is applied, it means it’s thriving from a consistently balanced hair regimen that includes sufficient moisture. The best way to test this is to apply a generous amount of wash out or leave-in conditioner and run a comb through a small section beginning from tip to root.
2. Minimal Breakage with Manipulation
Moisturizing the hair is key to health. To moisturize Is essentially to add water into the hair and combining that water with other ingredients that allow it to successfully surround the follicles and maintain their strength and elasticity. If the current moisturizing regimen is doing wonders then you should notice that as you manipulate your hair there is minimal breakage.
3. Length Retaining
Everyone has a different rate of hair growth and comparing your growth rate to others is not a way of determining your hair health. What can determine this is the ability for your hair to retain the length that it gains. We have to keep in mind that there are other factors such as hormonal changes, pregnancy, etc. that can affect length retention. But if this is currently not a factor for you then the cause may lie in your regimen. A good moisture regimen will help to maintain whatever pattern of growth you have and inconsistencies such as drastically uneven length and fluctuations in growth (bouncing between growth and breakage) can be a sign that your regimen needs to change.
If you notice that you are experiencing minimal bounce back, excessive breakage, and no length retention even though you have been moisturizing then you may need to change your moisturizer to one that includes natural oils, humectants (which helps your follicles attract moisture) and also maintains pH balance. A balance between this and a great protein treatment will help revive your hair.
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